Friday, August 6, 2010

"To Step Out of My Comfort Zone... Where Jesus Is..."

I love Casting Crowns. Their lyrics are always so right-on.
"Oh what I would to have the kind of strength it takes to step out of my comfort zone, into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is..."

Jesus isn't in my comfort zone. He's a few steps ahead, hand out-stretched, beckoning me onward. His voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid... this is for My glory!" Will I listen and believe?

I want to. I make steps toward it every-so-often... but then, sometimes, I let go of His hand and drop back, behind, to my comfort zone.

Now... the term 'comfort zone' can be misleading. It seems to imply a realm of comfort and safety. But in actuality, my comfort zone is usually a toxic, unhealthy waste-land of misery. But it's what I know, and that feels safe to me. How sad is that?

If I just bite back my fear, reach forward and take the hand of Jesus, allowing Him to draw me on into His glory and light, that will be the land of safety, comfort, healing, and joy.

The truth is that I want to be in the realm of the unknown where Jesus is, all the time. It doesn't matter what that means, where that will take me, or where that will take me FROM. It will be Joy, Peace and Glory. I can't imagine how awesome it would be to be surrounded by the peace of knowing I was exactly in the center of God's will ALL THE TIME. Every now and then I find myself there, or nearly there... and it's like breathing fresh, pure air after being stuck in a swamp of toxic waste.

But I never stay there long. I always end up drawing myself backward, into my "comfort zone," out of the grace of God's love and protection and back into my toxic waste dump.

That sounds pretty depressing, I suppose. But I can still see the progress. I go a few paces forward and then busy myself making a swamp to live in. Then God pulls me out and I go forward a few more paces, and then try to make another swamp-dwelling. But His love and faithfulness keeps on pulling me back out, onto solid ground, and further into His glory. His faithfulness goes beyond my weakness. His mercy goes further than my understanding and failings.

He sees me where I am, and loves me all the more. He sees me, not as a grimy swamp-dweller, but, as His precious and glorified child. I thank Him, with everything I have, for everything He is.

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