I came across an amazing verse that I've always known today. "I beseech you therefore bretheren, by God's mercies, present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:1-2)
Like I mentioned, this verse is not new to me; I've heard it as long as I've been a church-goer - nearly 24 years. But today the phrase, "be ye transformed by the renewing of youm mind" really captivated me. Am I a transformed person?
I know that my soul has been transformed, that I am saved and will go to heaven when I die. But is the outside of me, the personality that I share with others around me, the essence of Lela, a transformed being?
Can people look at me and know that there is something different about me? Or do I just look and act and speak like any un-born-again heathen?
The thought that I may appear no different from non-believers really bothers me. The Bible clearly says that people should look at a Christian and immediately see a difference in their character, in their essence.
There is a song, "And they'll know we are Christians by our love." Is that what transformation is? Am I a loving person?
It's really easy to love the people who are close to me. The people I know. The people who are like me. But do I exude the love of Christ, making Christ's love available and accessable, through me, to anyone and everyone who comes into contact with me?
I think that should be my goal.
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